Thursday, June 23, 2011

Where does the "time" go?

Do you ever feel like days, weeks or even months fly by and you just don't know where the time has gone?

You're not alone. We live in a world in which we work 30% more than we did 50 years ago. Although we can't create more hours in the day, we can certainly plan and organize our days to ensure we make the best use of our time. It doesn't need to be January 1st to make a resolution. Regardless of the time of year, I encourage you to  create short and long term goals. I recommend making a list and writing them down in two columns. Short term goals on the left and long term goals on the right. Define the time-frame for each  one of your goals. Have your goals listed in a place that is visible. Furthermore, I recommend a daily planner or small journal which you can write down your goals for each week and ultimately organize everyday.  Another benefit of a daily planner is that you can look back and reflect on your goals as you have attained each one.  It provides a sense of accomplishment and awareness about how you are spending your "time"

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