Friday, July 29, 2011

Weekend Challenge:

Can you think back to this morning, afternoon and into the evening and recall what fruits and vegetables nourished your body?  If not, I challenge you to take a closer look at what you are putting into your body every day.  Oftentimes people tell me that they’ve tried writing in a journal and they don’t have time for it, or simply don’t want to see what they were consuming on a daily basis.  (It’s worth a try at least for one day) First, we need to realize that everything in moderation is typically healthy. Don’t beat yourself up over a cookie or a cup of ice cream.   It’s important to think not only about the physical attributes of eating healthy, but the fact that it strengthens your immunity, provides your body with more energy and impacts how well we live day to day. 

In an ideal world, we would be eating organic fruits, vegetables, starches and meats. In our everyday world we experience times when we perhaps don’t have the resources, maybe it’s lack of time. Whatever the case may be, I feel your pain and I recommend the following. Start by eliminating fast food from your diet completely. I’ve noticed that they are starting to put out healthier options. I’ve not seen them however unless you can read it and I mean pronounce the ingredients, avoid it. Next, include as many vegetables and fruits in your daily diet as possible. Chances are if you don’t have any other options in your house, you’ll find yourself appreciative of the food that you do have and hopefully continue!

 Don’t deprive yourself. Find something that you can enjoy a small amount of and then put it away. We all have our trigger foods that we love and it’s necessary to not bring them in your home. Enjoy them out with a friend so you don’t over indulge. The challenge over the weekend is to incorporate more vegetables, water and whole foods in your diet. Try to avoid packaged processed foods and tell me how you feel on Monday.

Have a great weekend! 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Finding time...

Where does it go? Take advantage of opportunities that are available to you in the moment. Sometimes we are too tired to meet up with friends, go to the gym to workout, or even make it though the day at work. Whether we’re short on sleep or just feeling like we need a break from the daily grind, it’s necessary to “make” an effort to get involved and accept invitations to participate in activities which we may wish that we could push to the side. Give it a try and I have a feeling you’ll be happy with the outcome!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What makes a goal more attainable?

Instead of setting generalized goals that you hope to achieve one day in the distant future, it’s important to take a closer look specifically at your goals and determine exactly which ones are a “must”.  Think about  your daily schedule and your world wind of a day which quickly turns into a week gone by, then months and years! 

The best time to take action is today. Determine 1-3 goals and define a timeline for completion. Get as specific as you can with your goals. I suggest writing them down so they are visible to you. Next to each goal write down actions you are going to take to reach your goal.  Hold yourself accountable- Check your goal(s) weekly. Also considering sharing your goals with a spouse, family member or friend. Your likelihood of following thorough is much higher with a cheerleader to keep you motivated!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Fruits and Veggies: Clean 15 vs. Dirty Dozen

When you head out to the grocery store this week for fruits and veggies make notes on your shopping list of the items below that are from the "dirty dozen".  We should purchase them organically if possible.  The "Clean 15" are okay to purchase regardless if they are labeled organic or not.

EWG's Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce

Dirty Dozen
Buy these organic
– imported
Grapes – imported
Red Pepper
Sweet bell peppers
– domestic
Kale/collard greens
Clean 15
Lowest in Pesticide
Sweet Corn
Sweet Corn
Sweet peas
- domestic
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes
A special thank you to my sister for passing this website along!

Monday, July 25, 2011

How to pep up on a Monday morning

 Start your week the night before by getting things packed up and ready to go. This will help to ensure you’re not racing out the door in the morning. It’s helpful to pack a lunch the night before if possible. It’s really a morning timesaver! Consider what you are going to wear in the morning. This might mean you need to do laundry. It could also help you beat the clock because you won’t be ironing at the last minute. Motivate yourself to leave early by stopping for your favorite breakfast or morning coffee, perhaps a cup of tea. Once the day has started, think about the plans you want to make for the remainder of the week. Maybe there is a new movie coming out, a set number of days that you want to hit the gym, or you want to meet up with a friend you haven’t seen in a while. Take the time early in the week to set things up to keep your week entertaining.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Time with Family

Work schedules, social events, and so many other obligations can cut into the amount of time that is allotted with our siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles.  (Not to mention the fact that families can be spread out and live in different states) It’s precious time when we do have the chance to spend it together. When we get together, it often includes eating, lounging and catching up on each other’s lives.  Oftentimes I’ll talk to people about their weekend away to visit family, and they tell me, “Now I need to get back into the swing of things at the gym.”

I grew up in an active family, which makes it interesting when we visit one another. We often engage in the activity of choice of the person we are visiting. I recommend trying this when you are away from home. Perhaps you are visiting someone who isn’t active on a regular basis. You could recommend a walk or swim. There might be something in your workout routine that you can offer to share with them.  In addition to spending time with the ones you love, you’re sharing a healthy experience and not feeling guilty when you arrive home! 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Finding Time Today...

Take a moment to yourself. This might sound like something that is easier said than done!  I find the best time is early in the morning before everyone wakes up or late in the evening when everyone is asleep. 

We all are “looking” for time to catch up on our own personal things that often get swept to the side during the day. Decide if you’re a morning person or a night owl and allow yourself time to tackle tasks without multitasking several other things at the same time. Allow your mind to think and prepare for the upcoming week, day or possibly the next few hours!

I took time this morning to work on wedding planning, pay bills and utilized my time to ensure I will be able to enjoy time with my family after work today.

Make it a great Thursday!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Finding balance during the week

During the week we have obligations to tend to, and can often get caught up in the day to day routines.  It’s essential to find time to socialize outside of work. Socializing with friends, colleagues and members in your community, provides a healthy way to unwind and also to recharge. By breaking up the week, it helps you to enjoy and look forward to each day instead of just “living for the weekend”

First, think about hobbies which you particularly enjoy and can’t seem to find the time on the weekends to squeeze in. Here are a few ideas to kick up your week and help you to find balance between work and social time:

-          -Find a cooking class that you can take with friends and bring dinner home. I’ve also seen cooking classes which you can actually prepare meals for the week. This provides a great way to get out of the house, cook with friends and share recipes
-          -Walking Groups and/or partners are also a great way to incorporate exercise into your week! Perhaps you have a neighbor or a friend from work that you can walk with.  
-          -Wine tastings and/or happy hour can be nice to get together with co-workers or friends that you don’t see too often. Often you can grab a good deal and it doesn’t take too much time out of your evening.
-            -Book Club is a great option as well. Some clubs meet weekly and others meet monthly. If you enjoy reading and want to share your thoughts and listen to others, then this might be a good fit for you!
-          Playing cards is my last suggestion but by no means is this list complete. There are endless possibilities to enhancing your weekdays!

See if you can try something outside of your typical routine this week.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Creating a Quick and Delicious Dinner

Tonight I made this meal and it was wonderful:

Brown Rice
Feta Cheese

Success Brown Rice- It doesn’t get any easier. It boils in a bag! It’s a quick way to incorporate a healthy whole grain. Then, I sautéed a little garlic and olive oil.  I added pesto and shrimp and tossed on medium heat. Once the shrimp were just about finished, I added fresh tomatoes, feta cheese, a pinch of salt, fresh cracked pepper, and topped it off with basil from the garden. 

It’s a well-balanced dinner. It contains protein, whole grains, vegetables and dairy.  A great summer meal. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

How to Make MyPlate Your Own |

Last month I shared MyPlate. Recently the Unites States Department of Agriculture has replaced the food pyramid with MyPlate to provide a clear message on what we should be eating at each meal. While it's a great representation of "how" we should be eating at each meal, it doesn't pinpoint "what" we should be eating.

The article below talks about the differences between starchy and non-starchy vegetables and how to cater MyPlate to your specific dietary needs. I recommend checking out this article. It shares how to modify MyPlate for a vegetarian, diabetic, high volume endurance training and someone focusing on weight loss.

Find the best option for you at: How to Make MyPlate Your Own |

Friday, July 15, 2011

Time management- it can be a tricky thing…

Whether you’re organizing your day for work, home projects or running errands, time management plays a huge role in what can be accomplished throughout the day. 

To start, I recommend breaking up the day up into morning, afternoon and evening time blocks. By creating three blocks of time, it’s more manageable and not an overwhelming “To Do” List. Now designate tasks to specific time blocks.  It’s important to determine what is most crucial to complete. Schedule it at the beginning of the designated block of time to ensure it is completed with enough effort and not rushed through.  As you move throughout the day, be sure to take breaks and allow time to rejuvenate before moving along to the next task.  I also find it helpful to break down the hour and decide at the beginning of each hour how much I want to have finished by the end of the hour.

Time management will vary from day to day depending on what’s on your plate. Be patient!  It may not always go as planned, then know that there is always tomorrow.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Digging out of it

Ever experience a day when things just don’t seem to go your way?

 Every so often…. or sometimes too often, we face challenging days which we just can’t seem to get it together.  First, try to accept the fact that it’s okay to be in a bad mood every once and awhile.  It’s happening for a reason and allowing us the opportunity for “change”.  Write down the stressors that are causing the stress, and be aware of the reason why you’re feeling frustrated or upset. Allow yourself time to do something that you enjoy. Perhaps a physical activity, or get your nails done, head out to the garden. Something that you can do which will allow yourself time to process why you’re feeling challenged. Then come back to the list that you created and begin to prioritize when to tackle the stressors that are stimulating your “bad mood”. At this point you’ve had some time to process and possibly even resolve the issues. I find that when I write something down or say it aloud, it’s not nearly as overwhelming as I was making it out to be in my head. 

Having a full schedule in life is rewarding and challenging. We have to recognize when we need to take time to step back to reprioritize. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Do it while driving...

Do “what “ you ask? Roll your shoulders back, sit taller, longer and think leaner. So many of us want a flat belly, strong abs and a pain-free lower back. We need to stop slouching and bring awareness to our mid-section!

 With limited or possibly no time to spend on abs, it’s important to make use of our daily routines. Many of us drive to and from work, drive around to run errands and find ourselves in the car for at least part of the day. The next time you hop in the drivers seat, I’d like you to think of it as your core workout.  Adjust the seat so you are sitting up tall and allow your lower back to press firmly to the back of the seat. While driving engage your core. Squeeze in your belly and hold the isolation.   Try holding it as long as you can. Takes breaks as needed and try not to hold your breath. Breath in and out through your nose as you strengthen the contraction

Locking in your core will naturally adjust your posture and reshape your mid-section, so give it a try!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


The next time you take a trip to the grocery story, check out the food labels before you decide to make the purchase.

Why? To steer clear of a food ingredient which has absolutely no nutritional value or benefits to your body!  It’s best to just eliminate MSG which also known as Glutamic acid from your diet.  Check out this link to find out about what foods contain MSG. It’s