Friday, July 22, 2011

Time with Family

Work schedules, social events, and so many other obligations can cut into the amount of time that is allotted with our siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles.  (Not to mention the fact that families can be spread out and live in different states) It’s precious time when we do have the chance to spend it together. When we get together, it often includes eating, lounging and catching up on each other’s lives.  Oftentimes I’ll talk to people about their weekend away to visit family, and they tell me, “Now I need to get back into the swing of things at the gym.”

I grew up in an active family, which makes it interesting when we visit one another. We often engage in the activity of choice of the person we are visiting. I recommend trying this when you are away from home. Perhaps you are visiting someone who isn’t active on a regular basis. You could recommend a walk or swim. There might be something in your workout routine that you can offer to share with them.  In addition to spending time with the ones you love, you’re sharing a healthy experience and not feeling guilty when you arrive home! 

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