Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Chocolate Cravings Anyone

What to do when a chocolate craving strikes you?

Create “go to” options to avoid over indulging in too much sweetness and feeling upset about it afterwards.

There are lots of options for when you’re craving chocolate.  Let’s check out a few:

-       Keep a stash of chocolates in your home. Preferably dark chocolate, but if you don’t like it, find something you enjoy and put it out of eye’s view. It’s best to keep in the freezer, up on a shelf or in a location so you know where to find it when you are craving it, but not in your face so it’s all you’re thinking about.

-       Try chocolate milk. Make your own to ensure you’re making it with skim or low-fat milk.  This will allow you to control the amount of chocolate sauce you’re adding to your drink. There's more to milk just calcium. It provides valuable energy and low in calories.  In fact, chocolate milk just might be healthier than regular milk. According to an article in Women’s Health, new studies confirm that milk with a touch of cocoa is as powerful as commercial recovery drinks at replenishing and repairing muscles.

-       Jell-O Pudding- You might be laughing, but this decadent treat can hit the spot when a chocolate craving strikes. There are several options, and now a mousse that is delicious. So, don’t be afraid to give pudding a try!

-       Frozen Yogurt- with self-serve yogurt shops popping up all over the country, it’s a great opportunity to pop in and make for yourself just enough to enjoy a little taste of sweetness without over doing it.

-       Chocolate Candies to consider grabbing a few (2-3) of: Special Dark Miniatures, Hershey kisses, tootsie rolls, and York peppermint patties.

I hope this helps the next time you need to grab something chocolaty! 

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