Monday, September 19, 2011

Expect the Unexpected

It’s helpful to plan your schedule and know ahead of time what you’ll be doing, however it’s not always the case!  Remember, just because it didn’t happen the way you planned it, doesn’t mean you can “throw in the towel”.

 Initially the change in plans may seem overwhelming. We might find ourselves thinking with tunnel vision and not able to carefully adjust to the situation at hand.  First, realize that everything in life can be reworked, (even if it doesn’t seem possible the very moment that you hear the news). Essentially, it’s a matter of how we approach the task at hand. Try to take a few minutes to think through the options which can be considered to resolve or adjust the issue. Next, try to talk to a family member or friend about it. Someone who is not directly involved can help shed light on adjustments that can be made. Once you talk through your ideas, (write them down if needed) you’ll come up with something that will work. Now, it’s time to take action! This step is sometimes easier said than done. Be sure to follow through on the game plan you created, and you will be proud of the outcome because you were actively involved in making it happen!

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