Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bikram Yoga

A friend of mine invited me to join her for a yoga class last spring and not thinking anything of it, I went. I quickly found out after arriving, that the room was going to be heated to 105 degrees with 40% humidity! I thought to myself that this was going to be a yoga experience unlike any other... and it lived up to my expectations.

There are 26 poses in 1.5 hours and no music. It allows time to focus, strengthen & length your muscles and your mind. It's important to drink at least 3 liters of water (each day) a few days before you try it, and continue to keep up the water intake after your practice.

A few differences and benefits to Bikram Yoga include:
The heat in the room helps to prevent your body from overheating, but only if you are properly hydrated. Another benefit of the heat is the fact that it helps to detoxify the body. On your first few classes you'll notice and feel your heart rate increasing. You're actually incorporating a cardiovascular workout in your yoga routine which many yoga classes don't provide.  You'll also feel a considerable difference in your ability to stretch your body and overall, you'll improve your muscle strength- Trust me! All poses, except one, are done twice and you'll be challenged to hold your pose!

I challenge you to try it at least once... or maybe twice, it's an experience that is worth checking out at a Bikram Studio in your town. You might just like it and find yourself practicing often!

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