Whether you’re in school, sending kids off to school or just in the mood to do some “Back to School” shopping, the start of fall is a great time to change up your routine and reenergize for a new season. The temperatures are falling, and it’s a great opportunity to take on few chores around the house that might have been neglected during the summer months
Make it manageable to organize and clean out your home. Don’t try to tackle everything in one weekend. Plan out the month of September to take on the following:
1. Go through the kitchen cabinets, fridge and freezer and throw away anything that is expired.
2. In the kitchen, pull out your fridge and vacuum the coils on the bottom and behind the fridge and this will help keep it running smoothly.
3. Open up your cabinets in the bathrooms and throw away any expired medicines. Also, if you haven’t used something in the last year, chances are you are not going to… so throw it away!
4. Tackle the closets! (Depending on the last time you cleaned out your closets, it might be best to only tackle one at a time) Donate clothing in good condition that you haven’t worn in over a year to a local goodwill or Salvation Army. Find baskets in your home, or purchase inexpensive baskets to organize smaller items on the top shelf.
5. Is it time to give the walls a good dusting along with the light fixtures and base boards? It’s not the most fun thing to do, but it makes a huge difference, especially if you suffer from allergies.
6. How are the carpets and/or floors looking? It might be time for a carpet shampoo or a hardwood floor wax.
7. Other areas of the house that tend to accumulate “stuff”. You probably know what I’m referring to when I say this: Think about magazines that are tossed on the coffee table, in a basket. Clean out “junk drawers” and go though these areas and toss or give away what you’re not using.
8. As the end of the year is approaching, now is a good time to organize paper work. Shred old bills/paper work that you don’t need and begin to gather receipts, and anything you’ll need for your taxes next spring.
Fall is the perfect time to tidy up before the cold winter months when we find ourselves spending more time indoors. By straightening up now, it will allow more time to spend with family and friends throughout the holiday months and less guilt about lingering house chores!
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