Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What did you have for Breakfast?

It’s our most important meal of the day, yet we tend to skip it.  Whether you’re rushed to get out the door, or just don’t feel “hungry” it’s been proven that those who eat a healthy breakfast are typically leaner than those who don’t. Cereal happens to be my most favorite breakfast option, but there are plenty healthy options to choose from. Regularly eating a nutritious breakfast will help you to get the day started with more energy.

A few options to try:
-       Cereal-  A  whole grain cereal is essential. Check the amount of fiber and sugar. You want your cereal to contain at least a few grams of soluble fiber, and don’t let the sugars exceed 3-5 grams.
-       English muffin or Toast- Whole wheat. If it says bleached enriched wheat flour, then it’s not the same! Select a bread that says “whole grain” or “whole wheat”. Now you need a topper. If you are willing to try something different, spread sliced avocado on top! Avocado contains zero cholesterol and sodium.  It also contains essential nutrients such as Vitamin E, B-Vitamins and folic acid
-       If you prefer the more traditional route, add  your protein, which can include peanut butter or an egg.
-       Protein is another key component to a sustainable breakfast, add an egg or two to your morning and you’ll feel full longer.
-       If you’ve already left you’re home and don’t have many options, I recommend Starbucks morning breakfast. You can wake up with a cup of coffee or tea. I recommend making it a latte for added calcium. (Make sure to specify  your milk preference) and a bowl of oatmeal with berries and/or nuts. If you don’t have time to scarf down oatmeal, grab a kind bar. Most Starbucks locations have them and they will provide you with amble protein and pair it with a banana.

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