Friday, July 29, 2011

Weekend Challenge:

Can you think back to this morning, afternoon and into the evening and recall what fruits and vegetables nourished your body?  If not, I challenge you to take a closer look at what you are putting into your body every day.  Oftentimes people tell me that they’ve tried writing in a journal and they don’t have time for it, or simply don’t want to see what they were consuming on a daily basis.  (It’s worth a try at least for one day) First, we need to realize that everything in moderation is typically healthy. Don’t beat yourself up over a cookie or a cup of ice cream.   It’s important to think not only about the physical attributes of eating healthy, but the fact that it strengthens your immunity, provides your body with more energy and impacts how well we live day to day. 

In an ideal world, we would be eating organic fruits, vegetables, starches and meats. In our everyday world we experience times when we perhaps don’t have the resources, maybe it’s lack of time. Whatever the case may be, I feel your pain and I recommend the following. Start by eliminating fast food from your diet completely. I’ve noticed that they are starting to put out healthier options. I’ve not seen them however unless you can read it and I mean pronounce the ingredients, avoid it. Next, include as many vegetables and fruits in your daily diet as possible. Chances are if you don’t have any other options in your house, you’ll find yourself appreciative of the food that you do have and hopefully continue!

 Don’t deprive yourself. Find something that you can enjoy a small amount of and then put it away. We all have our trigger foods that we love and it’s necessary to not bring them in your home. Enjoy them out with a friend so you don’t over indulge. The challenge over the weekend is to incorporate more vegetables, water and whole foods in your diet. Try to avoid packaged processed foods and tell me how you feel on Monday.

Have a great weekend! 

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