I came across a wonderful article, "Be a healthy role model for children- 10 tips for setting good examples" I think these tips are a good reminder of how we can help not only our children, but assist one another. Perhaps it's a sibling, significant other or even a colleague. See the tips below on ways to develop and maintain healthy eating habits.
- Lead by example-Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet!
-Go grocery shopping together- Read the nutrition labels and know what you're buying before it makes its way into your home.
- Offer the same food to everyone
- Reward with attention, not food! Essentially, hugs and kisses are rewards not comfort food such as candy.
-Focus on each other at the dinner table. Make an effort to not take phone calls, check emails or have the television on during your time with your family. Mealtime is family time and should be stress-free.
-Listen to your child and offer choices. Ask which vegetable he/she would like to eat, not "would you like a vegetable?"
-Limit Television, Computer and Games- Set parameters for your family and television time. Stick with it; remember it takes 66 days to form a habit. There are lots of other things that can be done together besides watching television.
-Encourage Physical Activity- Get out and take a walk after dinner. It's the perfect time of year to enjoy the outdoors.
Be a good role model- don’t lecture, or force others to eat something. Encourage new foods, describe it, and allow them to decide if and when they want to try it.
This information provided and paraphrased from the June 2011 Tip Sheet by the USDA, The Center for Nutrition and Policy Promotion
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